Top 12 #poetfilms of all time

To celebrate the #poetfilms thread on Twitter, here’s my list of the top 12 poet films ever made.
  • Carol-Ann Duffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Marlowe and Me
  • Bunyan Clyde
  • From Lear to Eternity
  • Whitman Can’t Jump
  • Rimbaud (starring Sylvester Stallone)
  • Shallow Graves
  • Coleridge over the River Kwai
  • Raiders of the Frost Ark
  • Look Hughes Talking
  • Sophie’s Joyce
  • The Edward Thomas Crown Affair


About this site likes to mark significant moments in public life with a short verse - usually in Clerihew form. We've tightened our poetic belt and cut everything right back to the bare essentials. Every verse on this site takes up fewer than 140 characters, so feel free to tweet them to your friends.

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